I've just successfully upgraded one of my servers from sarge to etch.

Before the upgrade I had it booting to the console, rather than to X, as I rarely use X on my servers.

After the upgrade it booted into X. I tried to switch to the first virtual console, using the same key stroke I have been using since X first ran on Linux, i.e. Ctrl-Alt-F1. I didn't work, I am stuck in X.

Have they changed the keystroke or is something broken on my install ?

I tried Googling and didn't find anything, so I am assuming they haven't changed the keystroke.


I should have said, I know how to kill off X via a "/etc/init.d/gdm stop", I'm just puzzled as to while virtual console switching isn't working anymore.

Edited by andy (23/08/2007 09:23)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday