Why would archiving via tape be easier for a home camcorder? I'd imagine having a large hard drive and just being able to copy the raw files around is quicker and easier for archival then having to go through the tape -> file process via firewire/usb.
A waste of HD space for one, why have all your material spinning on a platter somewhere when it could be in a little box on a shelf.
What's keeping you from putting the hard drive in a little box on a shelf?
That's exactly what my backup plans are. I now have digital forms of all my wedding and honeymoon photos and videos. I plan on getting a couple 120GB drives and storing one drive at home and another at work.
I wouldn't feel comfortable using off the shelf IDE/SATA discs for long term storage. I have MiniDV and DVCAM tapes that are nearly 10 years old that are still perfectly readable and showing no signs of degradation. I can't say the same about HD's from that period.
Given the amount of footage your average consumer generates I see little reason to go tapeless. Why go to all the hassle of shovelling files from HD to HD when you can simply eject the tape and put it on the shelf to archive it. Given the cost of tapes versus the cost of HD's I see little point.
We are looking at going tapeless at work, we are capturing approx 6 to 8 hours of raw footage a day and turning round material for 3 live news programmes in addition to all our other programming. Our main concern is the long term storage of what's been shot, the current answer? You've guessed it, tape.
Andy M