That Samsung AiRave for Sprint is certainly interesting. Strange to see our communication methods intermixing.

Meanwhile, here's a CNet review of the zBoost 510.
Following the 'Tips & Tricks' link from the review you can find yourself at a CNet forum where one member touts the advantages of Wilson Electronics repeaters. The Wilson stuff seems to have the quality over the competition, but at a price that is nearly double.

Also, I've learned that dual band is (seemingly) not that important for me on Verizon. The 800MHz range is the typical cellphone workhorse while the 1900MHz range is used for more advanced/new data services. The single band (800MHz) repeater from Wi-Ex is $100 cheaper than the dual band.

Hmm- more to think about.
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10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)