Bung it all up on eBay, and buy something else?

Tempting, but Elaine is somewhat attached to the old Minolta. She dragged it, and those lenses, all over Nepal, across Mongolia and Siberia, and over the Atlantic in a freighter...

It seems that the attachment, then, is primarily emotional. For the number of lenses involved (2), I'd probably also recommend just getting rid of the lot, and starting over. I just looked at adapters to use Minolta lenses on Canon or Nikon bodies, and they don't exist (aside from a few one-off hacks). If you stick with something that lets you use your current lenses, would you feel like you're going to be restricting your options for future expansion?

I'm sort of in the same boat -- I have a Nikon film SLR that's just sitting around, and only two lenses (roughly equivalent to the lenses Elaine has, even). I've been looking at a DSLR, but... do I stick with Nikon, just because of the lenses I already have? Personally, I don't think that's enough of an investment to justify staying locked to Nikon -- even though I've dragged them around the world, too.

So, once it comes time to look seriously at a DSLR (I'm still in drool mode, at the moment), I'll probably take a close look at a Canon, as well. Fortunately, though, I do really prefer Nikon's controls, and feel of the body, to that of Canon, so Nikon is still my leading choice, anyway -- that I'll be able to still use my old lenses is just a plus.