If it's non-standard, the "Advanced" button changes to "Restore". If the "Restore" button is not there, it's already set to the default.

That doesn't seem right... Neither my computer at home nor my computer at work show the "Restore" option, yet my home computer says :"Opens with Notepad" for the program associated with *.reg files, while my work computer says "Opens with Registry Editor". They can't both be the default. Can they?

As I said before, I am pretty sure I broke the *.reg association myself through carelessness in viewing a *.reg file. How can I make my home computer associate "Registry Editor" (whatever that is!) with the *.reg files?

And above all, how can I get my "Show Desktop" routine to work? If/when I get the *.reg file association thing fixed, I'll try the *.reg script that AndrewT posted above, and see if that fixes it. I have to confess that I don't even begin to understand what that script does.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"