Assuming that the replacement I have _does_ stop the whine (Hugo?, Peter?)

I don't know how to tell whiny from non-whiny ones by sight.

it's easy: you open the case (4 or 5 screws), and then there's 4 screws mounting the PSU PCB to the case, and a couple of molex connectors.

Actually, I might just do it myself this week at some point...

The case doesn't open with screws. It has Vulcan Nerve Pinch catches on the seam, about 1/4 and 3/4 of the way down each side. I've never managed to open mine, thought Hugo always made it look easy.

Edit: Whoops, I take that back. There's six screws and a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. I've just succeeded in opening it: on mine the easiest catch to pop first was the right front one, about 3in along the seam.

Once you're inside, replacing the PSU is simple and obvious.
