Well, I played *GOLF* at Luke last year! Top that!!!

OK, OK, I'm jealous. Or maybe I'd be jealous if it was 30 years ago. Now I'd probably just pass out. The closest I have ever come is a couple of sideways rides in the gunner's seat of a Huey Cobra. Also eerie -- couldn't see who was driving -- and quiet. As I recall the seat doubled as the vent for the air conditioning unit. Refreshing.

I did *not* get any stick time. No stick!

Very cool. Jealous

[edit: I have good color vision, but was informed mid-way through my draft physical that I didn't have any stereoscopic depth perception. This came as a complete surprise to me. I hadn't noticed. I mean I could drive a car and everything, but I wondered if it explained why I sucked at tennis. Anyhow, tennis balls and automobiles are roughly consistent in size (so the brain makes up the difference). Hills and mountains not so. The examiner told me I wouldn't have to worry about getting sent to Huey school. At the time I was a little bummed. Not very bummed now. Rotary-wing aircraft. Can't trust 'em.]

Edited by jimhogan (16/10/2007 00:06)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.