Greenland will melt, dumping huge amounts of water into the Atlantic. I cannot help but believe that that water will most likely be only slightly warmer than freezing, and therefore couldn't do anything but cool the oceans.

Ahh.. so my drinks will stay cooler if I pre-melt the ice cubes before dumping them into the glass? Hardly.

That big ice-cube, Greenland, is already in the oceans, and it is already melting (I've seen it with my own eyes from above). This means that the ocean is warming up enough to melt it, *quickly*. This isn't making the ocean any cooler than it was with the ice form of Greenland in it.

Once it finishes melting, there'll be no more ice, and the drink (ocean) will get even warmer, even more quickly.

The global warming impact predictions are wayyyy understated.


Edited by mlord (23/10/2007 18:26)