Microsoft's Help or Outlook Express Backup Version 6.5
The Outlook Express Backup Version 6.5 wouldn't run -- it always blew up part way through.
The importing of email into Vista turned out to be more complicated than was first apparent, because Vista does not use Outlook Express -- it uses a program called Windows Mail, and there is no push-button, mouse-click simple import path.
I found an excellent update guide here and here (it was a two-part series.) Very detailed step by step instructions I never would have figured out on my own.
Bringing the FireFox bookmarks and settings over was easy -- IF you know how. Just find the bookmarks.html file in the old computer, copy over the top of the bookmarks.html file in the new computer and that's it. Of course finding that file isn't easy without a bit of help! 
This new computer is reasonably quick. I just finished ripping and encoding a 16 CD audiobook. Each CD had 99 audio tracks on it (why do the audiobook makers do that? Most of those files were less than a minute long) and each CD was 72 minutes in length. Using EAC and Lame, it took between 2:31 and 2:36 to rip and encode each CD. I was impressed.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"