Bringing the FireFox bookmarks and settings over was easy -- IF you know how. Just find the bookmarks.html file in the old computer, copy over the top of the bookmarks.html file in the new computer and that's it. Of course finding that file isn't easy without a bit of help!

I've always wondered why they don't have a better method for storing bookmarks that makes it easier to back up. Maybe in 3.0.

I can't imagine what easier backup method you are imagining? They store all the bookmarks in a single file on the file system and provide an import/export function in "Bookmarks->Organise Bookmarks".

And it's not a binary hack buried in a database (or "registry") somewhere, either. Rather, it's a plain text file using very basic HTML. Hard to beat that.

They even store it in the "right" place under Windows in the "Documents and Settings/*/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles" folder.

So as long as you are backing up "Documents and Settings" then everyones bookmarks are getting backed up.

In contrast I have no idea where IE stores its bookmarks, but I do know it is NOT in "Documents and Settings/*/Application Data/Microsoft/Internet Explorer", because that would just be too easy now wouldn't it ?
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday