Like, WHY oh WHY did Joss kill Wash?

Because he needed us, the jaded Whedon-fan audience, to feel genuine fear for the remainder of the cast during those final crucial moments of the film.

Without Wash's death, then the injuries sustained by the remainder of the crew during the last action sequence would have seemed trivial. But once we saw that Joss was willing to kill Wash (and Book earlier in the film), suddenly it seems like he's ready to kill anyone on the cast. And we're hanging on the edge of our seats waiting for the other shoe to drop.


As a side note, when I saw Nathan Fillion at the sneak preview in Roseville, CA, he talked about how much fun it was to look around at the audience during that scene; watching everyone laughing at the "leaf on the wind" line and then seeing the laughs turn to horror and gasps as Wash gets killed.

It was funnier when he said it, anyway. He pantomimed... I guess you had to be there.
Tony Fabris