Tuner modules are coming soon!

Regarding the screen, please see this FAQ entry. Your problem might have nothing at all to do with AR coating.

Regarding the AR coating: The earliest Mk2 models shipped with faceplates that didn't have an AR coating. Later, they found someone who could do the AR coating along with the RF coating, and were able to start making AR faceplates. All units are now shipping with an AR coating on the faceplate.

If your faceplate is non-AR, you will be able to tell because it is very shiny. If it appears to have a slight matte coating on it, then it's an AR faceplate already and there's no issue.

In practice, the AR coating only improves readability slightly. If having an AR coating is important to you, then you can contact support and they'll give you an AR version.

I'm going to add this AR information to that FAQ entry.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris