The problem with re-inventing the empeg is...
They already tried it, and it didn't succeed in the marketplace.
It reached its audience successfully, which is us, so that's great and all. Except the audience (us) is about 4000 people total. These days, everyone else besides us would rather just have an ipod dock in their car.
And honestly? If the ipod software had enough features that matched the Empeg's features, I might be in that state of mind, too. Fortunately, Apple still doesn't "get it" (no offense, Hugo) and my most-loved features about the empeg still don't exist in the ipod after all these years. So I'm sticking with my empeg a while longer, thank you very much.
So you're welcome to go re-inventing the empeg, but I think the market for it has changed for the worse rather than better.