I wonder if this show is going to stink as bad as Bionic Woman. It's hard to imagine. Bionic and Chuck seem to have a huge lead on everything else for ultra-crap-of-2007. Though to be truthful, Heroes isn't far behind this season (oh how the mighty fall).

I seem to be in the minority that actually likes Chuck. I'm not sure what it is that people hate about it so much.

Bionic Woman is bad, though. Very bad. There's nothing interesting about it.

Heroes, I would argue, was never as mighty as the insane amount of press propelling it. It still baffles me. I watch the show, but just because I'm a sucker for superhero stuff, which I don't even really get satisfied with on that show. I'm working on a long tirade about what I don't like about the show...

So far, the looming cancellation that has my wife and I the saddest is Journeyman. The show has had its faults, but we really like it, and last week's episode I felt was the strongest so far. Now NBC appears to be canceling it, and even though they've aired 11 of the 12 finished episodes, they're refusing to air the 12th, which was designed by the creators as a season finale. Instead they're airing TWO new episodes of Life next week. Life is an okay show, but I'd trade it in a heartbeat for more Journeyman episodes.

If they cancel Pushing Daisies after this strike is over, that would be a shame. It's without a doubt my favorite new show.