Here's the best hint I found for this with google:

Re: Excel 97 Question
I wrote:
>> I have a couple of spreadsheets that I sometimes need to compare and
>> it would be nice to shrink each window down to half-size so I can see
>> them both on the screen at the same time.

Toolman Tim replied:
>Try this: in Excel, right below the MAIN window's upper right corner where
>the boxes for minimize, maximize, and close are located, are the same
>control buttons for the specific spreadsheet. You can click on the middle
>button, and the size that window to half, and open another sheet. Then size
>that window down until you see the other sheet. You get both open at the
>same time that way - you can size them vertically or horizontally. I don't
>remember of version 97 has this, but you might have an "Arrange" option
>under the "Window" button on the toolbar. That will arrange your two sheets
>for you automatically.

Excellent! Thanks Toolman! That's exactly what I was trying to do.
I didn't notice there were two sets of icons in the upper right
corner. I tried your suggestion and it worked perfectly.

And yes, Excel97 does have the "Arrange" option under the "Window"
button on the toolbar and I didn't notice that either. I was just
looking at the choices in the Tools -->Options section.

Thanks again Toolman.

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