It takes a special skill set and experience to do wedding photography at all, and more experience on top of that to do it well.


I blush to admit that I have actually photographed several weddings. I was official track photographer at a local race track, and some of the racers who liked my work hired me to shoot their weddings.

Then, a few years ago I attended a wedding and reception (big affair -- over 100 guests) where there was a real wedding photographer. He made my past efforts look pitiful. That man worked. He had three cameras slung around his neck, he seemed to be everywhere at once yet always seemed to be in the right place at the right time, he was assertive about getting his shots (but not rude), the sweat rolled off of him as he shot, and shot, and shot, and shot... I think he told me that he would cull through over 1,000 exposures to get the 100 or so best ones. I think he had an assistant whose job it was to swap batteries and keep the strobes and the cameras functional at all times. I've seen people put less energy and work into riding in bicycle races!

It's always entertaining to discover your own shortcomings.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"