We had thought this would be necessary but wanted to avoid the pain in the arse job it will be. However, you're both right, annoyingly

The server has been dropped off with me, and at some point in the next week or so I get to reinstall 150GB of OS and apps. Hooray. Yippee. And so on...

On the upside, it's going to end up with a terabye of hard drives to future proof it. It's already got a striped array of 10K RPM ultrawide SCSI drives which will have the OS installed on, so it should go rather faster. The data will be on the SATA drives.
Dual 2.8GHz Xeon processors in a nice server motherboard, slightly overkill for running half a dozen different dedicated game servers with a total of about 6 users, but none of us like to wait
