Have you tried just ignoring the TV, instead?

I recently bought a Wii and had no TV to connect it to. So I bought a new computer monitor with component input. Since I don't watch TV, I'm sort of hoping it "goes out of business" from this strike.

Many of these professional writers are actually good writers, and can do it a thousand times better than an online community of "fanboys."

Hm, but isn't is simple statistics that with the amount of potential contributing online fans, they'd create SOMETHING good? There's one person out of ~50 I know well who'd be a great script writing contributor. That's a decent percentage of people.

Nothing kills a show more consistently than when the writers start writing what the fans claim they want to see.

Because we all love how The Sopranos ended.

Honestly, I did not know this opinion (since I don't watch TV), but I have a hunch it's unfortunately true. Fans would probably waste no time tying up all the loose ends and answering all the questions. But the fact that episodic TV (that I've seen) intentionally beats around the bush and rarely comes to conclusion is exactly why I don't watch it. Since I prefer a story with conclusion, I watch movies.
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