Hey guys. I'm back - I know, it's been a while. First, let me prefix this with, "Maybe I just don't get it?" So, here goes....
So I've recently decided to mess with this again some more and I am a bit stumped.
Basically what I am aiming for is to have the same type of play list jEmplode "automagically" creates when jEmplode is used to add music to the player except I want the "Artist" ranges so I can choose the artist I am looking for a little easier.

Here is where I stand:

Add Range Layer
Sort By Title

Add Tag Layer
Sort by Title

Add Tag Layer
Sort by Title

** Add Tracks Sort Layer **
** Sort by Track # **

This last bit is what is really frustrating me.
In the "Add Tracks Sort Layer"
1. If I sort by Title, the tracks are sorted in alphabetical order (as would be expected)
2. If I sort by Duration the tracks are sorted by the length of the song (as would be expected)
3. If I sort by Track # the tracks don't seem to be sorted by anything. (And this is what I really would like!)
Granted, I haven't looked at *all* the fields but....
(Referring to the above, I am using the "position" field to gauge whether the tracks have been sorted to my liking. Is this correct?)

All in all, am I missing something? Am I using the Tracks Sort Layer correctly?

Everybody has been a great help so far! If I get this working, I would be really, really psyched, but if not - no big deal.

As an amateur, amateur, amateur Java Programmer I was going to take a peek at the source to jEmplode (not that I would be able to figure anything out - but I thought it might be insightful) but the link for the jEmplode source on the jEmplode site is dead.
