Warning, Spoiler:
Well, you can draw a thin box spanning all three that pops up underneath the ball and then push it over.

But if you want to do it without any odd quirks, draw a thin box that spans the right two spinners and overlaps the right side of the leftmost one. Then draw a big box to weigh that platform down that goes from the left of the center pivot up to the right pivot. Wait for the left spinner to hit the underside of the platform, then draw a box on its left side to pin it there. Then push the ball onto the initial platform you made. (This is actually the hardest part.) Once it's on there, draw a new large box on the right side of the initial thin platform you made, then delete the first weigh-down box. The thin platform will flip clockwise as the left spinner pushes its left side up. From there, pretty much just hang on.
Bitt Faulk