Merry Christmas, everyone!

I celebrated in the following ways:

- Turducken party last Sunday.

- Relaxing with friends and loved ones on Xmas eve, decorating Doctor-who themed gingerbread cookies. On my table is now a fully 3D gingerbread TARDIS (complete with blinking blue LED atop) surrounded by four gingerbread weeping angels.

- On Xmas day today, seeing Sweeney Todd today at the theater with a friend (my second viewing, my friend's first viewing, said friend has an extreme fondness for all broadway musicals and an equal fondness for horror films, needless to say she was thrilled with it, as was I).

- Tonight we shall devour the gingerbread TARDIS while watching the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Also, playing aith a two-foot tall balsa trebuchet that one of my friends got for Xmas.

It's a good year. \:\)

Edit: Oh, and it just snowed here in seattle, a perfect dusting of white for Christmas day. How awesome is that?
Tony Fabris