I would want the 2nd head unit even with the empeg tuner so I could have a cd player too
You know, honestly, I said the same thing when I got my empeg. I even went sofar as to buy a Tuffy stereo center console so that I could mount my CD player in my Jeep along with my empeg so I could still play CDs.
Want to know how much I used my CD player after I got my empeg? nil. It was a waste of money buying that console. I ended up taking the CD player out. (Still have the console but only because its a tuffy and lets me put my empeg in it to lock it up when I leave my Jeep... pryproof and pickproof security).
Anyway, I can't tell you what your preferences are, but I have a *LOT* of CDs and after I got my empeg and ripped them and put them on it, I never, EVER went back to CDs again.