After years of Roger posting links to the SXSW MP3 torrent, and me faithfully downloading and listening to every song, I'm finally planning to attend the festival. Problem is, there website doesn't help me gain any clue about how to do so.

They mention "registering" to see all the music shows... for $550! It doesn't explicitly say anywhere, but I get the feeling that the fee for music industry workers to get special access and such. Certain wording on the site was the only indication.

Or do I just go there and show up at the venues, like some fan websites are suggesting. I guess there's a fee to enter every venue every night, which could rack up quickly, but not $550 worth.

Can anyone confirm these suppositions? Also, does anyone else plan to go? It would be great to know someone else there (since, so far, I'm planning to go alone). Thanks!
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