Who are you kidding? Decent candidates have never had the money, let alone pre-requisite power and prestige, to get started in the first place.
Bill Bradley.
My response was glib, but I do think Bradley exemplifies an early candidate with some "decent" attributes. I don't know much about them, but wondered if Bill Richardson and Chris Dodd fell into this category as well.
I pretty much agree completely with Tony's lament about the fubar US primary system -- I think the only way to fix it would be to have a single, national primary day -- but I am much less sanguine about the benefit of the current Democratic race continuing into later states.
I don't actually know that much about Obama and I really wonder if anybody does. But he seems like a possibly decent chap (I'd vote for Michelle in 2016!) and what I do know is that he isn't Hillary. So if the polls had held true and he completely squashed Clinton in New Hampshire, that would have been (on balance and in this specific case) OK with me.