My only solution was to disable the SATA ROM for the amount of time it took to get the OS installed. After I got the OS installed, I changed the ROM to Enabled to speed up the hard disk.

Really poor design on the part of the motherboard mfr if you ask me...

Anyway, you say that your DVD drive is normal integrated IDE so that might not have any bearing on what you're doing.

Yes, the DVD-drive is IDE, but the SATA-controller is on an add-on card.

I think I figured out a solution... I bought a IDE-disk and I'll install Windows and Ubuntu on this (with the SATA-drive disconnected) and connect the SATA-disk when everything is working. I'll end up with two drives in the machine, but hopefully it still won't be too noisy... Or I'll just remove the SATA-drive.

And to answer Mark: Yes, the Ubuntu-disc is bootable.
