I've had the Garmin 60csx (Color screen, Sensors(compass and elevation), eXpandable w/micro-SD card) for a few years now. I love the thing.

this is more of a hand-held unit, so the screen may not be as big as you like.

and you should know up front that the maps you'll need are not cheap. figure ~100.00 usd.

my only beef with the system is that if you take the time to plan out a map on your computer, telling it what roads you want to take and what stops / waypoints to use, it'll ignore your roads and route you based on the stops / waypoints alone. this is a bother if you like back roads, especially if they're not on the most efficient path.

other than that I use it in the car, in cities I don't know my way around, and hiking.

the base map that's pre-loaded doesn't do much good, so you'll really want at least one map package.

it uses 2 'AA' batteries that'll last over 12 of solid use.

I'm not sure if they're all like this now, but I can fire mine up inside a room in the middle of my house, without any windows, and it'll locate in about a minute.

it was on sale last week for just under $300 usd.