Yeah, but bipartisanship itself has never solved a single problem. The only thing bipartisanship does is clear legislative hurdles through compromise. Obama (and a lot of DC pundit types) speak of bipartisanship as if it's a solution to problems in and of itself. It's not.

I'd love it if members of both parties gathered 'round the campfire and sang kumbaya each night while passing votes 435-0 in the House and 100-0 in the Senate, but that's not the world we live in. People disagree about stuff, and one man's "pointless feuding" is another man's "arguing about stuff that matters."

I guess my point is that we're not suddenly going to get smarter politicians to replace all the ones we have, so we might as well have ones that fight for what they think is right rather than kowtowing to an out of control executive branch. "Bipartisanship" is what got us into this mess. It's not going to get us out of it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff