After talking with SWMBO I realize that my marriage may be in serious trouble.

She has been keeping a sordid secret from me for some time, but the truth has finally surfaced. While it is difficult for me to air my marital problems in such a public forum, in the interests of full disclosure I now do so. It turns out that she is a [shudder] Macintosh person! Oh, she tried to disguise it for years by using a Windows computer whenever she was in my presence, but now she has broken all boundaries of propriety and actually purchased a Macintosh.

Will mine be one of the many marriages destroyed by religious differences?

Now the questions arise, in particular, what (if any?) virus protection program should she use?

There seem to be two schools of thought among the Apple cognoscenti. (1), that there aren't any Macintosh viruses (virii?) out there so no protection is necessary; and (2) that yes, there are some, and more will certainly arise so better to play safe.

She's running OS-X, some version of it that can run both Apple and Windows software, or maybe all OS-X does that? How does it do that?

Anyway, she's interested in virus protection. We will not allow McAfee anywhere near any computer we own (nearly impossible to remove), and we're not all that fond of Norton either (resource hog). I am a big fan of AVG antivirus, I just upgraded my Windows computer from their free program to their Pro version. Since her Macintosh can run Windows programs, would AVG be of any use on that machine?

I am pretty much totally ignorant when it comes to Macintosh computers. About the only thing I can say about them is that they are different from what I'm used to, so they can't be any good. smile

I guess it all comes down to this: Does she need an antivirus program? Can this marriage be saved?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"