Originally Posted By: mlord
Most of my players have this in their config.ini:

;@MENUEXEC Set_Date_Time /rdate -s &>/dev/null

This allows me to reset the date/time at will from the Hijack menu, using my internal server ( as a time reference.

I think the same thing might also work from EXEC_ONCE, except then it would need a script that could be more clever about waiting for the network to come before issuing the command.


Ah- interesting! Perhaps I should just learn a bit more about setting up my home PC as a time server for the empeg to query when instructed to via your Hijack menu.
Hmm... it's not automatic, but sounds simple enough.

How do other applications 'reach out and check'? I see autohijack could (once upon a time) do something like that. I suppose most folks use jEmplode for updating Hijack these days...

Setting the empeg clock could also be done externally somehow, I guess... a batch file that talks via ftp or (dreaming now) an adjunct to (j)Emplode?
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)