I'll try to do that in the future, but any idea how to get this bluetooth stuff working?


I've done some further research. If you follow the second link in my initial post, the writer talks about using the BlueZ bluetooth stack to get the card to work. Well, it appears that since the time of writing that (2006), BlueZ has become part of Ubuntu. That's what I have on here already. So I don't understand why it's not working.

I've found this page with some info. Search for "Zoom Bluetooth PCMCIA Card." Does any of that info help?

**edit 2**

I've stumbled across this thread, which appears to be exactly what I'm looking for (sounds like the "support" for this card isn't as good as advertised), but I can't get their very first lines to work. I tried entering:
sudo hciattach ttyS1 zoom

But I just got back:
BCSP initialization timed out

(I also tried ttyS0 - same result)

***edit 3***

Just to add as much info as possible, I ran an lspcmcia -v and got the following results:

Socket 0 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]         (bus ID: 0000:02:09.0)
        Configuration:  state: on       ready: unknown
                        Voltage: 3.3V Vcc: 3.3V Vpp: 0.0V
Socket 0 Device 0:      [serial_cs]             (bus ID: 0.0)
        Configuration:  state: on
        Product Name:   PCMCIA Bluetooth Card 
        Identification: manf_id: 0x0279 card_id: 0x950b
                        function: 2 (serial)
                        prod_id(1): "PCMCIA" (0x281f1c5d)
                        prod_id(2): "Bluetooth Card" (0x7664fb1d)
                        prod_id(3): --- (---)
                        prod_id(4): --- (---)
Socket 1 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]         (bus ID: 0000:02:09.1)
        Configuration:  state: on       ready: unknown

Edited by Dignan (11/02/2008 04:58)