FWIW I got dragged kicking and screaming down a rabbit hole over the past few days.

For reasons best known to my subconscious I decided to put hijack into a local git repo.

Then I decided it would be a good idea to import *all* the available hijack history into said repository.

I downloaded all the patches, wrote some perl to automate it and off we went.

A few problems arose - some patches are a touch dodgy - but essentially it worked. (Nb 'tweaked' patches attached...)

But then I loaded git web and the timestamps annoyed me so I used a faketime (LD_PRELOAD hijack of the time() calls) to fake the system time for the untar/patch/git commit cycle. (Nb seems to be quite slow - the script was much faster without the timestamp fakery).

[I bet this is one of very few git repositories in the world with a first commit tagged a good 3 years before git was invented!!!]

It's rather nice that I can look at the file history etc and browse the development of hijack as a means to learning about it.

The result is that the following is a diff of v485.tar.gz and the sum of all the patches published...
(ie the cumulative error of all 484 patches!)

diff -r hijack/arch/arm/defconfig v485/arch/arm/defconfig
> # CONFIG_IRCOMM is not set
> # CONFIG_FTPFS_FS is not set

diff -r hijack/arch/arm/special/notify.c v485/arch/arm/special/notify.c
> #include <linux/netdevice.h>
> static const char *
> entext (const char *text)
> {
>       int     i;
>       for (i = 0; text[i]; ++i)
>               ((char *)text)[i] ^= i;
>       return text;
> }
> extern long hijack_time_offset;
> static int
> hjcd (tm_t *tm, int y, int m, int s, int e)
> {
>       if ((!y || tm->tm_year == (y + 2000)) && tm->tm_mon == (m - 1))
>               return (tm->tm_mday >= s && tm->tm_mday <= e);
>       return 0;
> }

Just in case anyone else wants to recreate the repo : here is the perl code I used (relies on the faketime library).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# By David Greaves : GPL2 or above.

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TokeParser;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3);

my $base_dir = $ENV{PWD};

sub faketime_system {
    my $time=shift;
    system @_;
# "`stat -c %Y somefile`"

# Get and parse page
print "Getting Revision history page\n";
my $response = $ua->get("http://empeg-hijack.sourceforge.net/");
if (! $response->is_success) {
    die "Couldn't get revision data";

$p = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$response->content) ||
    die "Can't open: $!";
$p->empty_element_tags(1);  # configure its behaviour

# Look for the Revision History title
while (my $token = $p->get_tag("h3")) {
    my $title = $p->get_trimmed_text;
    if ($title =~ /Revision History/ ) {

print "Examining log\n";

# Look for the table elements
my @log;
my $i =0;
while ($p->get_tag("tr")) {
    my $token = $p->get_tag("a"); # Get the patch link
    my $url = $token->[1]{href};
    my $label = $p->get_trimmed_text; # and name
    $token = $p->get_tag("td");
#    my $comment = $token->[4]; # includes any html
    my $comment = $p->get_phrase;

    $log[$i++] = {url=>$url, label=>$label, comment=>$comment};
@log = reverse @log;

# Do the git thing...
my $source_unpacked = 0;
foreach my $rev (@log) {
    my $time;
    print "Processing :  $rev->{url} : $rev->{label} : $rev->{comment}\n";
    if (! -f "$base_dir/$rev->{url}") {
	print "Downloading...\n";
	system "wget -O $base_dir/$rev->{url} http://empeg-hijack.sourceforge.net/$rev->{url}";
    if (!$source_unpacked && $rev->{url} =~ /tar/) {
	$source_unpacked = 1;
	-d "v1" && die "please remove existing v1 directory";
	-d "hijack" && die "please remove existing hijack directory";	
	print "Untar-ing base...";
	faketime_system ($time, "tar xfj $base_dir/$rev->{url}");
	system "mv v1 hijack";
	chdir("hijack") or die "couldn't change directory to hijack/";
	print "Setting up git...";
	faketime_system ($time, "git init");
	print "adding base to git...";
	faketime_system ($time, "git add .");
	print "commiting base...";
	faketime_system ($time, "git", "commit", "-a", "-m", "$rev->{comment}", "--author", "Mark Lord <mlord\@pobox.com>");
	faketime_system ($time, "git commit -m '$rev->{comment}'");
	print "tagging base...";
	faketime_system ($time, "git tag v1");
    next if $rev->{url} =~ /tar/;  ## skip tarballs
    next if $rev->{url} =~ /200b3/;  ## skip the odd patch
    print "Next revision\n";
    my (undef, $tag) =  split("-", $rev->{label});

    print "patching....";
    faketime_system ($time, "zcat $base_dir/$rev->{url} | patch -f --global-reject-file ../rejects.$rev->{label} -p1");
    print "\n\n\n\ncode $? : BAD PATCH $rev->{label} \n\n\n\n" if $?;
    print "adding patch to git...";
    faketime_system ($time, "git add .");
    print "committing....";
    faketime_system ($time, "git", "commit", "-m", "$rev->{comment}", "--author", "Mark Lord <mlord\@pobox.com>");
    print "tagging as $tag ....";
    faketime_system ($time, "git tag $tag");
    print "done\n";
exit ;

v1-v3.patch.gz (431 downloads)
v386-v387.patch.gz (437 downloads)
v427-v428.patch.gz (429 downloads)

LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's