Oof, 115 is pretty up there, but at least you have no humidity. In other words, you still have the ability to sweat and have it afect your body temperature. Here, where the humidity is ~95% constantly, your sweat just beads up on your skin. You get no cooler from it.
My parents retired while we were stationed in Omaha, NE and they never left. I don't know why, either

I have a tough time going back to visit them outside of the spring or fall because the weather there is just miserable. During the summer, it is just sweltering hot and oppresive - even the shade doesn't help. Here, everybody stays in the shade, in the AC, or in the pool and it is fine

The only time you really notice it is on campus walking between the buildings or to the parking lot when the asphalt is kind of gooey. I could write an essay on the weather and how easy it was to be acclimated here (after growing up in places such as Anchorage, AK and Minot, ND).