Quick checks: The filename, or folder name, of the picture you're attaching isn't somehow unusual, or unusually long, or contains odd characters, does it? The file type is ordinary JPG, right? The file size isn't unusually large, is it?
Pretty much all of the above...

However, I suspected that some of those things might have been causing problems, so I re-named the file (to "empeg.jpg"), re-scaled it to 640x480, bringing file size down from 264KB to 79KB, checked that it was a valid *.jpg by opening it with an editor, and watched the little swirly thing for about 10 minutes before deciding it wasn't going to work. My connection is DSL, typical download speed about 40 KB/sec, no idea what the upload speed is, but I can usually send an email with a megabyte attachment in under a minute.
When I get home tonight, I'll try it again with a freshly booted computer.