This may well have been asked, and indeed answered, before, but I can't immediately find an answer. So, here goes.
Does anyone know of any reliable, and preferably not too expensive, software for backing up things on a windows XP system? To be more precise, what I'd like to be able to do is poke the shutdown button and have the machine automatically run the backup software, save everything to the backup media, verify it, then continue to shutdown normally. At the moment I am backing up my work to DVDRAM disks manually, which works quite nicely, but it relies on me remembering to actually DO it

I had an incident today involving the electricity supplier's inability to consistently supply electricity, and as a result now have to reinstall the cad box from scratch. This is a two day job

Luckily, I have a backup of all the critical data that's only a couple of days out of date, and even more luckily I was able to mount the drive on another machine and get the newer stuff off it, even though the drive just bluescreens on boot in the original box. Still a pain, but not a disaster.
I've ordered a biggish UPS to prevent a repeat, but it's pushed me to the point of wanting to sort it out once and for all.
The linux box is easy, it backs up the critical files over the network onto a NAS box via a cron job every night, but then it's on all the time anyway, and has a UPS. The windows boxes are more of a problem, since doing a backup while I'm using the things slows them down to a crawl, and is at the wrong point in any case.