After getting those two estimates and doing more research on PEX installation, I am strongly considering the DIY route, or at least trying it first before I drop several grand.

The two estimates I have so far both have about $700-$800/day for labor for 4-5 days. The difference is the one estimate has an absurd $1500 for materials. Already ruled that one out.

I think the problem is that most of the time that they're quoting me is them trying to get at the existing pipes by cutting through my walls, ceilings, etc. and then removing them. I don't think this will take them that long, but they're probably padding the estimate a bit to ensure they don't go over due to unforeseen problems in getting at the copper. Once there is a reasonably clear path from the supply in the basement to all of the fixtures, I have trouble believing it's going to take them longer than a day to do the actual "plumbing" part of the plumbing job.

So, with the material costs for PEX being around what some plumbers were asking me to pay just to come out and give me an estimate, I can't see the problem with trying to do it myself. I can do a few of the easy runs first and go from there. If I get stuck for whatever reason, I can always call someone in and I've only lost a small amount in trying to save a bundle.

At the very least, I'm going to do *all* of the prep work of cutting open walls and getting to the pipes myself. Why pay plumber's rates for cutting through drywall? Also, I'm guaranteed to be more careful about doing the least amount of damage than they are.

Yes, there's the "nobody to blame but myself if I flood my house" factor, but I don't know that it will be any harder to get money from my homeowner's policy for repairs than it will to get money from the contractor's liability insurance. Also, the PEX installs really do seem easy once there's a clear path from the supply to the fixtures.

At this time, I'm seeing a very small risk for potentially a very big reward. I think I'll talk things over with someone at the local plumber's supply place to get some more info, though.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff