Also worth noting when buying any nifty new technology where Moore's Law applies (stuff gets twice as fast every 18 months, or you can pay less for the same stuff, yadda yadda):
There's always something cooler around the corner. Don't get paralyzed by what's coming next. Instead, when you need something, get what's available now. This is how you buy PCs. It's the same way you should by MP3 gear.
It's also worth pointing out that, generally, prices on older-generation tech tend to drop in anticipation of newer tech that's about to come out (and to clear out old inventory). I don't know if SonicBlue intends to follow this general trend or not, but given that RioCar prices have stayed relatively constant, you might read the tea leaves to imply that there isn't a RioCar replacement coming soon.
This, of course, says nothing about any other products they may have in the pipeline.