Well, if you were to zero your trips before you left, did the Nurburgring first (and had a jolly good time of it too, I should hope ) then accidentally forgot to tell anyone when you later arrive at the empeg meet, you may be well on the way to one of Rob's truly excellent prizes for the distance award (and believe me guys & gals, SB/empeg are being quite astonishingly generous about the prizes for this event; given the limited number of people coming to the event (relatively speaking, of course ) you stand a good chance of taking away an absolute dream prize on the day just by attending.

I myself am considering driving to Denmark and back the night before in the Mini to make myself eligible for the distance prize, anyway...

So pin down that date in your diary (Sunday 27th May), and check out the Announcements section for further details.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015