Originally Posted By: Boelle
the tool for creating the pcb/schmatics do a display of the price for the "ready to build in case" pcb, at least that is what i understand, and if we had a part or maybe the whole of the org. pcb designing an upgraded pcb would not be a big problem, the only problem i can se would be the time to do it

Just because you can feed a schematic into a PCB routing package doesn't mean what you get out will be any good. For one thing the auto routing is usually terrible and you'll have a massive PCB with a billion vias everywhere. Another problem is that the empeg bus combines digital signals, analog signals and power supplies all into one board.

As I said previously, quite a few of the parts are very hard to find and discontinued. The CPU and DSP are two that have been discontinued years ago now.

If you're going to have to replace them with something else then you'd want new faster/better parts. If you're doing such a major redesign anyway then you might as well start from scratch.

Originally Posted By: Boelle
as for the software i AGREE, it's a big damn shame that it is not opensource, a lot of improvements could have been done, all of the nice work mark have done with hijack could have been a part of the player software so that we only had to load the player software

You can already make a single upgrade file that combines the player software with Mark's kernel. Its been like that since the empeg first came out. It is just redistributing the resulting package that has issues.

Originally Posted By: Boelle
one way to create a new player software could be to reverse the org. player and merge it with hijack (if that at all can be done?)

No. Merging a userland program into the kernel would just be nasty and also incredibly hard. Reverse engineering the player is possible but you might as well reimplement it from scratch to save time and also not have any potential legal issues.

Originally Posted By: Boelle
the new software will no longer look like the org. player and hence no one can claim rights on it...

Doesn't work like that.