what is your comment on the subject?

when us inside EU want's to buy something from the outside we have to pay customs, in the case if you live in denmark they add around 37%, no matter if the goods are used or not, and it does not matter if you get the stuff from a private person or a company... an example wich is very current for me is buying a tuner for a mk2a from the us.. they are around 700 danish kroners, but duy to tax&customs shi* the prive goes up in the range of 1200 danish kroners.. but this is only if the value of the goods+postage gets over 60$... i guess that in the us you dont pay sales that when doing a trade between two private person, we at least dont to it here in denmark and most of the eu (the tax has been paid since it's used goods)

where did the free trade stuff go?
the "monkey" who learned to check a harddrive