It hit me!

I reanimated my Empeg MK2 after having it some years without current. After plugged the +12V in, it seems to wake up. The display showed some defective pixels but after pulling the current and blowed some air in, it was much better. Seems to be a bit dusty. Ok, it worked quite well, but no noise is coming out. After a while I heard something like white noise, that what you hear when having no radiostation tuned in when listening on FM. It seems to be totally independant of the loudness or what I do. Just plugging the current in and after the start screen of Hijack it sounds like white noise. I updated to the latest Hijack without problems, so it seems just to be the sound error.

What can I do? I'm technically equipped, so I could do whatever you suggest.

best regards
Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***