
The 250 GB Drives have worked very well for me. I have used 2 of them per player. I am currently making a master set that I will copy between my empegs.

I am loading the last 50GB of my 415GB music list on it this weekend. This will leave me an additional 50GB (465GB is the total you get with 2 250 GB drives after and player software formatting) for future music.

The reason why it has taken me a long time to report back is that I re-formatted my complete collection and have have bits and pieces of time to complete the effort.

One way around the memory error that I had early on in the player was to remove content in the Tags. The way I did this was to use Tag and Rename, select the files, right click, and Edit Tags In Selected Files (second selection down), click on Select All, Clear All, and Save. This removes all tag information.

I think this helped some and I either had to lose more cache or remove cache content. I chose the latter, maybe this is not how it works at all, but, it did seem to solve my problem even after using the reservecache in config.ini (the mem err still happened occasionally), I haven't seen it since, maybe just coincidence....

I know, I know, I lose the search capabilities as well as other goodies, but, what it all comes down to is listening to what I like which is arranged in a tiered format anyway. It is much better tha listening to FM. The majority of the files are native .wav files.

The tiering I selected looks like this:

Rock Music
- Classic Rock
- Classic Rock - A - E
CR - A
01 - Dancing Queen ABBA Gold
Average White Band
CR - B
CR - E
- Classic Rock - F - J
- Classic Rock - K - O
- Classic Rock - P - T
- Classic Rock - U - Z
- Classic Rock - 1 - 9
- Hard Rock
- Oldies Rock
- Soft Rock

File names look like this:

01 - Dancing Queen ABBA Gold

Lots of sorted directories, you get the idea.

When the player sees no Tag information, it reverts back to the file name which has the Track #, Title, Artist, and Album name. Which is all I really want anyway.

I also have a ReserveCache=15 in my config.ini too which helps reserve the space for the copy of the playlist it loads.

So far, I have not had a problem with over 32,000 Files.

I wonder what it will do with a 750 GB drive interfaced to it... Hmmm? Yeah, I bought one to try it with, I don't know what will happen with it. Next project, for a home unit, maybe, time permitting.

In SI, a little termination and attention to layout goes a long way. In EMC, without SI, you'll spend 80% of the effort on the last 3dB.