Originally Posted By: DWallach
Medium format sounds fun, but it's just a pain. You can't take your slides / negatives most places to be processed. Traditional film scanners don't handle the larger format. Just everything in your life gets more complicated.

If you value your time, then you go digital. If you want insane high resolution, then pony up for a Canon 1Ds Mark II along with the good lenses and sturdy tripod and all that.

That is the conventional wisdom- but it still can make sense to use film for some shots, especially if you already have a scanner that can handle it. Consider that a 1Ds costs $7000 and a roll of 120/slide costs about $9 with processing. That's 777 rolls of film. Sure the 1Ds makes sense for commercial photog's and people who want to take massive quantities of pictures but for the serious amateur it's hard to justify the price. It does take some time to scan, but not anymore than going through the 200 bad shots you took with your digital on the last outing...