Originally Posted By: Robotic
Meanwhile, I'm seriously considering purchasing this Computerized Battery Analyzer.

Anyone into battery service that would care to comment?

That analyzer, while cheap, PC-based, and cool, is discharge only. That leaves me with having to charge my batteries somehow.

Further research has brought me to this series of charger/analyzers:

I'm thinking seriously about the BC6 because:
1. it plugs into the wall
2. cheapest of 3 options
3. suits needs

The needs are to examine/rebuild/maintain battery packs for my Roombas (14.4V NiMH) and DeWalt tools (18V NiMH or NiCd).
I was thinking of doing intensive examinations 6 cells per trial in order to find the lagging cells in the batteries. Then attempt to revive the weaklings or, worst case, replace them.

(I realize this is quite a jump from the original topic on this thread, sorry)
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10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)