Originally Posted By: msaeger
Did quite few people flee never to return or is it taking that long to fix them ?

I know you were asking lectric, and he probably knows better than I do, but, what can I tell you? I feel like butting in.

I'm sure that there are many people who don't plan to return, but I think the bigger problem is a huge labor shortage. When you have to rebuild every home in several square miles, many of them that you have to just tear down and start over either due to physical damage or due to mold problems that simply cannot be abated using less invasive methods, you're talking about many years of work. Add onto that that a labor shortage of that magnitude is going to increase the cost of labor a lot, and the fact that many of these homes were in less wealthy neighborhoods, you have a situation where it takes a very long time for those willing and able to spend to rebuild, and a lot of people who will wait until labor costs reduce.
Bitt Faulk