Originally Posted By: jessie
and the unit goes into standby like its not getting enough power or i shut the car off.

Let's be absolutely clear about this: Going into standby, and acting like it's not getting enough power, those are two completely different behaviors. Which behavior are you getting? Describe in detail what happens to the player. For instance, does it stay turned off or does it come back on after a while? Is there a "pop" sound from your speakers when it goes off? Is the behavior intermittent, or is it 100 percent reproducible?

When you say "movement" do you mean rocking the car back in forth in one place by pushing on it, or do you mean the wheels have to be turning? Is it the slightest movement, or does it have to be a powerful lurching of the car to make a difference? Is it the act of taking off the parking brake or placing the car into gear that does it?

Next question: How is the player amplified, and how is it wired up, especially with regard to the amp remote wire and the ignition wire? What exactly are those lines connected to?

ive tried tapping the aux power that i have for powering other devices such as cell phone chargers ect.

How are these things wired? Are they somehow connected to the player's amp remote line?

You said you jiggled the connectors but are you absolutely sure it's not this problem?

i'm getting about 13-14v on the ignition and the constant 12v line.

If you disconnect the empeg completely and just put a multimeter on either of those lines, can you get the voltage on either of those lines to change by moving the car?

I have to say, the only times that I've had a stereo go south when the car moves: It was ALWAYS wiring trouble: a loose wire, a loose connector, a broken solder joint underneath my shrink-tubing, or a wire chafing against something metal inside the dash.
Tony Fabris