Yep I have one.

It works as advertised.

I got it because I have some spare 200, 300, 320 Gb sata disks hanging around and I can zero them off for security, do a quick backup etc etc.

On my system I get about 30Mb/s on a 2.6.18 kernel but only 512k/sec on a 2.6.25 kernel. Not investigated at all yet.

I also haven't got smart to work yet but again, no investigation/effort.

I do notice that the 'eject' causes the drive to move before it spins down. I've had several RMA replacements recently and you have to wait a few seconds before the gyroscopic effect diminishes <eek>

I got mine off ebay smile
(oh, and if I open the cupboard I see it's black)
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's