That explains a lot! Thank you.

I guess what it is saying is that when tech support told me to do the following:

Open "Computer". In the address bar at the top, type the following:

C:\Program Files\ and Delete the "OverDrive Media Console" folder.

C:\Users\[username]\Application Data\OverDrive and Delete the "Media Console" folder.

C:\Users\[username]\Documents\ and Delete the "My Media" folder.

they really meant for me to follow the junction point(s) to C:\Users\[Doug]\AppData\Roaming\Overdrive\Media Console.

Of course. How could I have been so stupid. I mean, it's perfectly obvious, isn't it? crazy

Well, the program still doesn't run (Unable to detect the OMC detect object used to get version information. (Invalid class string)) so I guess I'll hit them up again, send them the link to the Junction Point explanation that Roger gave me, and see if by some miracle they can help.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"