Originally Posted By: tahir
Tony, the reason that I asked here rather than the Rio HD Portables section is (...) I'd be looking for a new player, not a fix.

Still would have been on-topic for that section. "What is a good Karma replacement?"

Which, from the looks of things, is still an unanswered question for you, since the iPods don't have the bookmarks feature.

I've gotta say, the Empeg guys seem to have a knack for inventing must-have features that no one else can duplicate. After 8 years, I'm still carrying my Empeg-Car with me everywhere I go because I can't live without some of its features. Things like "Enqueue" that the iPod and its ilk still don't implement.

The only thing I didn't try that you've listed was to plug the player in direct to USB/power cables, have just done that, and guess what? It worked.

Ah! Bad dock, then, or since you tried two docks, more likely a bad dock-connector on the Karma. Perhaps enough years of inserting and removing the thing from the dock have messed up its connector, perhaps breaking one or more of the solder joints that connects the dock-connector to the circuit board. Possibly fixable.

In any case, I'm glad you got it working for now.
Tony Fabris