Thanks for the offer, John, but my needs are more immediate. I appreciate it, though.

I'm going to bite the bullet on this one. Is there someone here who will do this for me for $100? That's how much I'll get out of it, and I'm happy to send someone some money through Paypal to do it.

I need this very quickly, like by the end of today (Wednesday) or early Thursday. I'd muddle through it myself otherwise, and try to get more familiar with Access. But I'm busy all day today and can't devote any time to it.

The requirements:
  • only use MS Office apps (company #2 is more like a couple people - they don't have SQL or anything - just Office)
  • end result must be usable by a non-techie
  • essentially two steps to the solution: 1) automated process to import new Excel spreadsheets; 2) automated process to create an email to unemailed entries (in a bcc) containing standard text and some attachments
As previously stated, the entries to be emailed are the ones that contain an email address and have the value "IN" for the "Opt" column.

A nice bonus would be an additional automated process that would spit out a simple printout of all the names that have opted in, but don't have an email address. This is secondary though.