SWMBO has what might best be termed as a gift for losing things -- cell phone, keys, you name it. I've tried to do a little research on those little wireless key locators -- you press the transmitter button and the attachment on your keyring goes beep beep beep - and mostly what I've discovered is that the majority of them aren't very good. (The one that Sharper Image used to sell was apparently so bad that every review I read was a "one star" review.)

Does anyone have any personal experience with a key locator they would recommend? Preferably one that is still commercially available. smile

At this juncture, price is not too much of an issue. If SWMBO can't find her car keys, she will end up paying a $300 lost key fine from where she works, not to mention the hassles of having to get duplicates for all the other missing ones. This time at least we know there are only three possibilities where they could be, and one of those has been pretty much eliminated.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"